Thursday 4 February 2016


Well it has been a while since I have posted a blog post, nearly 2 months in fact. It isn't that I haven't wanted to blog, I have been crazy busy with exams and assignments for uni as well as working my part time job. As well as that I just felt like nothing that I could come up with was good enough. However, I feel like February is a new start for me, so I have decided that my 2016 starts from now. January was fuelled with late nights and stress filled days and I dislike that. So my aim for the next 11 months is to breath and appreciate the world around me. I want to enjoy life the best I can, whether that is on my own, with my friends or with my boyfriend. I have a lot to look forward to this year, including more deadlines and exams that I hope to take in my stride. Overall I am hoping for a more productive and motivational self. I hope to be the best version of my self that I can be, through my blog and my uni work. Therefore, I will be putting more time into making blog posts not just for readers but also for myself because at the end of the day I enjoy the writing and seeing the finished piece which is hopefully something I can be proud of. I have a few posts that I want to write over the next few days/week including a round up of my trip to Dublin last week, so look forward to that! And here's to the future. 

Holly xx

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